Last updated on July 11, 2024

Case study: How Fuelyourbody increased its conversions by 225% using Producthero CSS for product segmentation.

About Fuelyourbody

  • Company and online webshop selling ready-made meals with a focus on fitness and sports nutrition
  • Founded in 2015
  • Headquarters in Echt, Netherlands

About Extendure 

  • Full-service online marketing agency
  • Specialists in e-commerce solutions
  • Headquarters in Eindhoven, Netherlands

About Producthero

  • Comparison shopping service
  • Software vendor for Shopping Ad tools
  • Headquarters in Amsterdam

Fuelyourbody wanted to double its revenue every year in the Prepared Foods market. To reach this, they got help from the agency Extendure, which used a marketing mix including Performance Max for their product listings. After successfully running manual shopping ad campaigns, they decided to automate and scale their campaigns using Producthero CSS.


At first, the product variants were manually selected to be moved to bestseller campaigns and products that didn’t perform were adjusted one-by-one. Additionally, all the product titles had to be tested separately. After switching from Shopping to Performance Max, there were still a lot of manual tasks and data that needed to be streamlined.  


Using Performance Max, the agency created a strategy for the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium in which item groups were based on target audiences. And they used Producthero to automate the product segmentation. This also gave insights on what products performed well, and what products didn’t perform or even cost money. 


By moving from Shopping campaigns to Performance Max using Producthero, Extendure was able to boost the conversions for Fuelyourbody by 225% leading to a 241% revenue increase with only a 37% increase in costs.

“Switching our campaigns to Performance Max enabled us to better use audiences. Additionally, by using Producthero we got even more insights in performance max and we were able to boost the conversions and achieve a better return on ad spend (ROAS).” Wouter van Kemenade, Digital Marketer, E-Commerce, Extendure

Infographic summarizing the case study

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