Update 2024: Google CSS Partner market overview

We’re excited to publish an update on the Google CSS (Comparison Shopping Service) partner market overview. The goal of last year’s report was to gain insights into our position in the market and also to give merchants a fair overview of what the most used Google CSS partners are. This year, we present an update on the Google CSS partner market to help you compare Google CSS partners.

How we create the market overview

To make a fair analysis, we use publicly available data. We analyzed the Shopping ads of best-selling products from over 140 thousand webshops in Europe. In 2024, we found 1,012 Google CSS partners so far, which is an increase of nearly 200 Google CSS partners compared to the end of 2022.

Google puts effort into the Google CSS partner program

It’s good to see that the number of Google CSS partners is growing, it’s a sign that Google puts effort into the Google CSS partner program. This is also reflected in the number of merchants on Google Shopping, which is the default CSS for new merchants, compared to having a Google CSS partner. The Google CSS partner share grew from 37.9% to 43.6%. While this is good progress, it is still surprising that almost 60% of the merchants stick with Google Shopping as their CSS and miss out on the 20% margin difference.

Producthero remains the biggest of all Google CSS partners in terms of impressions and number of merchants

In the graph below, you can see the number of Shopping advertisements that were found per Google CSS partner. In terms of impression share, we see Kelkoo entering the top 10. Furthermore, Producthero remains the largest Google CSS partner regarding impressions and the number of merchants. See who left the top 10 by comparing it with last year’s Google CSS partner report.

A newcomer and Producthero has the biggest share of the top 10 Google CSS partners

As you can see in the diagrams below, Producthero had the biggest growth in impression share among the Google CSS partners in the top 10, going from 26% in December 2022, to 34% in May 2024. Remember that seasonality might have some effect on the statistics for some CSS partners. 

Why do retail advertisers choose Producthero?

One of the things contributing to Producthero’s rapid growth is that we are only focused on Shopping advertising. By supporting so many merchants and working together with over 500 agency partners, we know all best practices, hidden pitfalls, and strategies to give your campaigns a super boost.

We are very proud to see that, since the end of 2022, Producthero had the largest growth in both Merchant Center share and impressions share. We are very thankful for the continuous support of our agency partners and customers for both staying with us and spreading the word about Producthero. 

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